How to care for Caridina Shrimps

Caring for Caridina shrimp can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby. Caridina shrimps come in very distinct colors and are an excellent choice for an aquascaped aquarium. They come in vibrant and contrasting colors that make them simply appealing to look at. The kids love it and it is famous among the fish keeping community and shrimp keepers for the same reason.

Are Caridina shrimps easy to keep?

Compared to Neocaridina shrimps, Caridina Shrimps (Crystal black, Crystal Red, Blue Bolt, etc.) could require more attention and care. Caridina shrimp are generally considered to be easy to care for, as long as their basic needs are met. 

They are not as sensitive as some other types of shrimp, and can tolerate a range of water conditions as long as they are stable. However, it is important to establish a healthy aquarium environment from the start and to perform regular water changes to keep the water clean and maintain proper water quality. 

As long as you provide your Caridina shrimp with a suitable diet, the appropriate temperature range, and a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots, they should thrive in your care. 

How to care for Caridina Shrimps

Water quality

Shrimp are sensitive to water quality and require a consistent environment to thrive. Make sure to test your water regularly and maintain the appropriate levels of pH of 6-7.5, and a GH (general hardness) of 4-6.


Caridina shrimp prefer a temperature range of 68-78 degrees Fahrenheit.


In their natural habitat, Caridina shrimp feed on a variety of algae, detritus, and small aquatic plants. In the aquarium, they can be fed a variety of foods including blanched vegetables, sinking pellets, and small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and daphnia.

Tank mates

Caridina shrimp can be kept with a variety of tank mates suitable for shrimps, including small, peaceful fish, and other invertebrates. Avoid keeping them with larger, aggressive fish that may prey on the shrimp.

Tank setup

Caridina shrimp prefer a heavily planted tank with Java Moss, Java Ferns, Vallisneria, and other beginner aquarium plants. This kind of setup is essential as it creates a sense of safety and privacy for the shrimps and prevent the bay shrimps from being eaten by predators. In addition, using a sponge filter, external filter and hang-on back filter would be a great addition to sustain your aquarium set-up.

Plenty of hiding spots like the shrimp hideout caves and a substrate that these shrimps can easily sift through.


Caridina shrimp are known to breed readily in the aquarium. To encourage breeding, provide a healthy diet and optimal water conditions. The female shrimp will carry the eggs for about a month before hatching, and the fry will grow quickly if provided with proper nutrition. you will soon find the baby shrimps coming out of the hiding spots in your aquarium.

for more tips on how to care and keep freshwater shrimps, you can refer this blog.

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